Speed through checkout with PayPal—no need to enter your credit card details when you booking your flight online
What is PayPal?
PayPal is a service that enables you to pay online. Speed through checkout with PayPal, no need to enter all your financial information every time you shop. Plus, you can pay with your credit card without exposing your credit card number. PayPal uses data encryption and anti-fraud technology to keep your information secure, reducing the risk of online fraud.
How can I pay with PayPal?
You need to have a PayPal account with sufficient amount for you to make a purchase using PayPal. When you don't have enough money in your PayPal balance, you can also choose another payment method (bank account or debit/credit card).

Once you have completed the booking process and you reach the payment page, you can select PayPal as a form of payment. You will be directed to the PayPal checkout page wherein you can log in with your username and password to confirm your PAL ticket purchase.

If I select PayPal as my payment method, how will I be charged?
PayPal uses money from your PayPal balance first. If your PayPal balance does not have enough money to cover the transaction, you can select another payment method (bank account or debit/credit card).
How do I make sure that the transaction was processed?
You will receive a confirmation/itinerary receipt when the purchase is made to confirm that the transaction and payment have been completed.

You will receive a confirmation/itinerary receipt when the purchase is made to confirm that the transaction and payment have been completed.

Please email or call PAL reservations at (+632) 8855-8888. If there is a problem with the payment, you should be able to receive a payment timeout notification prompt.

What should I do if I have not received the confirmation/itinerary receipt?
Please email or call PAL reservations at (+632) 8855-8888. If there is a problem with the payment, you should be able to receive a payment timeout notification prompt.
Why am I getting a timeout response?
You are getting a timeout response because our payment gateway was unable to complete the payment transaction. It could be because you have been inactive on the page for a long time, the transaction was discontinued or abandoned, or there was a network or power failure.

What do I need to do when I get a timeout response?

You need to contact PayPal to confirm if the transaction was not charged to your account. If the transaction was not charged, you will need to create another booking. If the transaction was charged but you did not get a confirmation/itinerary receipt, please email or call PAL reservations at (+632) 8855-8888.

What do I need to do when I get a timeout response?
You need to contact PayPal to confirm if the transaction was not charged to your account. If the transaction was not charged, you will need to create another booking. If the transaction was charged but you did not get a confirmation/itinerary receipt, please email or call PAL reservations at (+632) 8855-8888.
What is the currency that will be charged to my account?
Based on your selection of itinerary, point of sale currency will be displayed clearly on the checkout page before you make a payment. PAL supports 11 transaction currencies in PayPal: USD, SGD, AUD, CAD, GBP, HKD, JPY, NZD, PHP, THB, and TWD. Currency conversion may happen if your funding currency is not in the supporting list (i.e, MYR.).
Can I pay with my PayPal account for my airfare at the PAL Ticket Office?
No. PayPal is only accepted in the PAL website.
Can I pay with my PayPal account for the airport baggage or excess baggage fees?
No. For more information, please visit PAYPAL