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Colleagues and family came to support the PAL cabin crew members who expressed their creative talents in a recent “Crew Heart 4 Art exhibit. 


Being a cabin crew member requires you to gain the technical skills and knowhow needed to ensure the well-being of passengers – the safety procedures crucial in saving people's lives, the detailed familiarity with aircraft cabin systems and equipment, and the creative human art of engaging with passengers one on one. 


For some crew members, creative expressions go well beyond linguistic skills or artistic flair for plating inflight food. Their talents translate directly onto the canvas – as demonstrated vividly by a recent "Crew Heart 4 Art" exhibit at the PAL Inflight Center in Pasay City that showcased real art produced by Philippine Airlines cabin crew members.


Cabin Service Manager Ron Oropeo actively promotes employees’ talents through the “Cabin Crew & Beyond” program. 


The Crew Heart 4 Art show featured no less than 70 paintings – landscapes, still lifes, portraits and abstracts – created by nine crew members.  Each painting is unique and carried its own back story.  All were available for purchase at the exhibit, and many were snapped up on opening day last November 17. 


The 2023 showcase, which built on earlier exhibits in 2018 and 2019, was part of a talent-development program initiated by Cabin Administrative Managers Glenda Ochoa and Ron Oropeo. 


One of the exhibitors, Flight Attendant Ayna Tan, is a Bachelor of Fine Arts graduate with a painting major.  She said, "Pursuing art was inevitable for me even when I worked in a different field. The pull is very strong, and I never wanted to say no." The Crew Heart 4 Art event gave her "an opportunity … to show the depths and versatility of the cabin crew, and perhaps an opportunity to somehow inspire other colleagues who may have a desire or talent for art and awaken a commitment to at least try their hand at creating." 


Flight Purser Rafael “Papo” Xavier, a crew exhibitor since 2018, is a recognized artist whose paintings have been featured in magazines and on TV.  A descendant of National Artist Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo, Papo’s artistic inclinations flowered at an early age. He recalled, "I used to draw as early as two years old, and my mother, being the Hidalgo, kept my early works in my baby book. Whenever I'd finish a sketch, she would put it in a folder and keep it." 


The nine cabin crew artists preparing to unveil their work to the public, with Purser Papo leading the opening

Flight Attendant Cynthia Mateo shares that she finds art to be a relaxing outlet. Her primary subject is painting mountains, flowers, and other works of nature. One of her paintings, which she posted on social media accounts, received an overwhelming response from colleagues and friends. This motivated Cynthia to create more pieces.  She recalls the positive influence of Papo in encouraging her to join public exhibits. It was "an honor being recognized by one very good painter like Purser Papo Xavier and letting me express my mind and heart by communicating through the canvas." 


Flight Attendant Jenny is the most recent crew member to join the exhibit. 


Flight Attendant Jenny Katigbak is the newest crew member to take the plunge and join the 2023 show.  For Jenny, “Painting is an avenue for me to articulate my thoughts and shared experiences. It's not just a momentary expression; it's a lasting message that I send out. The significance lies in establishing connection with the audience. When others resonate with my work, it creates a meaningful and enduring bond. It's a shared understanding that goes beyond the limitation of words... that's what i like about it”


Purser Jean is on her second year joining the exhibit.


Flight Purser Jean Del Castillo concurs that the exhibit is a worthwhile activity that promotes camaraderie and bonding among PAL crew members, even at their workplace in the clouds. Said Jean: "I would love to see more crew joining because of the experience."     


The Crew Heart 4 Art group is already preparing for their fourth exhibit next year, with ambitious plans to take their venture further. With the support of the airline’s management, the enterprising flying artists now hope to expand this into a PAL-wide event by engaging more like-minded colleagues from various departments all across the company.  Expect more art, with more heart, from high-flying PAL talents in the future.