Baggage Allowance
Know the size, number of baggage and weight requirements you can check-in and handcarried baggage you can bring into the cabin free of charge.
Infant's Baggage
An infant may also be allowed one fully collapsible stroller or infant's carrying basket or infant's car seat subject to availability of space.
Transfer Baggage (Connecting Flights)

Baggage Clearance: For connecting flight involving different terminals (in Manila), due to facility limitation and CIQ requirements, tagging the baggage all the way to final destination may not be allowed. Passengers may need to claim their baggage and clear with Customs upon arrival. 

Passengers with connecting flights to the US, UK, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand are required to claim their baggage and undergo additional security checks upon arrival in Manila. Passengers must proceed to the Baggage Screening Area for additional security check. 

Read the Transfer Baggage Guide for more information on the transfer baggage procedure for your connecting flight.

Read more about Connecting Flights.

Important Notice
Each flight ticket has its own Free Baggage Allowance policy. This FBA entitlement is valid only on that specific flight and may not necessarily apply to your connecting flights. PAL or other carriers may require you to pay excess baggage fees if your FBA entitlement is lower on your connecting flights.

Passengers are advised not to put money, jewelry, precious metal, silver ware, negotiable papers, securities, or other valuables (like cameras, electronic devices), business documents, passports and other identification documents or samples in their check-in baggage. 

For additional baggage allowance, you may purchase Prepaid baggage before your flight. Rates are per sector and vary per destination.